Stretch goals are different for everyone.

Reach the important things:

  • Your grandchild’s hands

  • The top of your next 14er

  • Your toes

  • Criss-cross applesauce

  • Your next personal best

More than Stretching

We meet you where you are and help you get where you want to be. In addition to targeted, hands-on body work and flexibility training, we help you form sustainable self care habits and stay confident and comfortable in your body’s abilities.

From our clients:
“I have a shoulder injury from over a decade ago that my doctor says has healed up as well as it ever will, but I am constantly compensating for it, and always carry a lot of aches and tension in my upper back. After an hour of stretching with Jamie-Lynn, I feel better than I have in years! She gives fantastic cues and explains what she is doing in a way that actually makes sense. She even asked if I was interested in homework!”

— S. F.

One-on-one Facilitated Stretching


But what does that mean?

A stretch technician will work with you hands-on the entire session. While you focus on breathing and relaxing, they will guide you into and hold stretch postures. We use a variety of techniques including Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). Throughout the session, you will be reclined or seated, but you’ll be asked to take a gentle, active role, engaging targeted muscle groups for brief periods of time before relaxing again to achieve a deeper stretch.

This active format:

  • Unsticks your muscles and connective tissue from their neighbors

  • Lengthens muscles fibers over time

  • Increases circulation and hydration

  • Helps deescalate your baseline muscle tension

  • Speeds up post-workout recovery

  • Builds the brain-body connection